Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Interesting web platforms...

Web Platforms form the "operating system" of large scale web applications. What kind of web application are we talking about? They're more than just a few web pages and a static store of page content. Below is a list of some interesting examples to compare and contrast, and for each one I've highlighted one of the "key values" that they provide.
  • LinkedIn: The key feature is "the graph" of people and their relationships
  • Wikipedia: It's really just collaborative editing of simple pages, but they have to be available to the whole world!
  • A platform for building applications, users, access permissions, data stores, etc.
  • facebook: The extensibility of the "widgets" and how they use backend information sources
  • Amazon's EC2 & S3: Virutalization is the core concept.
  • Slashdot: Group editing and rating
  • Google's Search: map reduce farm creating the indices AND the high availability architecture